What I want to say most
Undoing aloneness
Ten Things, part six
Behind the Scenes #6
Woven together
What do you need to remember?
Letting tenderness do its work
Witnessing as a practice
The heft of it all
To move toward fully living
Behind the Scenes #5
Layers upon layers
Fragments, bits, pieces
Adjacent to the edge
Behind the Scenes #4
Ten things, part five
The tenderness of trying
Behind the scenes #3
Moments of lightness
Looking straight at everything
Loose threads
Behind the Scenes #2
The aim of timelessness
Ten things, part four
Fire escapes
Behind the Scenes #1
Trusting your own flow
Thrown out of the nest
To orient toward doing
What I'm sitting with
To say less
To not look away
Tethering to possibility
A glimmer in the cave
Ten things, part three
To be untidy is to be alive
Thread: Wading in the waiting
Tending to the shame of stuckness
To break open and never close
Ongoing practice > Getting somewhere
March Reflection Guide
The grief of the right choice
To be a person
Things I've been telling myself lately
An ode to staying
Getting out of my own way
The relief of being real
February Reflection Guide
Taking the risk
Loving the unlovable
Inconvenient needs
The pressure to be well
January Reflection Guide
The discomfort of self-promotion