Beautiful bundle of words and feels. Thank you for letting the truth be the truth, without making it "More filled with thriving vibes? More… something?". Another truth is, acknowledging the truth of tiredness actually gave off thriving vibes! That potential is always there, isn't it - the moment I acknowledge something, it transforms into something strongly life-affirming.

PS. Thank you for including a generous helping of links and notes at the end.

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You're so right -- the acknowledgment truly does turn it into something life-affirming and nourishing somehow. The energy of it somehow transforms when there is space held for what is true -- even when what's true isn't the easiest thing. Thank you for sharing and for being here.

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“Permission to allow what is there to be there, so it can pass when it’s ready to.” Love this line. Allowing, feeling into, and letting go has been such an important practice for me. I am finding so much healing and ease within simply being with whatever arrives.

I value your insight that the performance of being human restricts us in both ways: appearing “better” or “worse” than we really are. As if there is a narrow path in which it is acceptable to exist. That we must reign ourselves in whenever we get too close to the edges. This keeps us from experiencing both our suffering and our joy--the beautiful full range of our humanity.

Grateful for your presence here, Lisa. I am so enjoying your offerings and your sharing of other’s words and work. And specifically this week, I appreciate the links related to writing, as I am tenderly embarking on my own writing journey!

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"Whenever we get too close to the edges" YES, this is such a beautiful way of framing it. And it is what it feels like sometimes... yet allowing the edges themselves to dissipate brings so much power and presence to whatever we are actually experiencing. Thank you for sharing and for being here -- I am so glad those writing links resonated. I know there are a lot of writers reading along so I hope they spark something within you like they did within me. <3

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"The answer was everyone: I wanted to hide my true self from everyone because in that moment, I forgot that there’s actually nothing to hide here — nothing to be fixed or ashamed of — nothing to blot over with product in order to “improve” — nothing in need of keeping out of sight from the world. I forgot I was acceptable and worthy of being seen, just as I was, in the tiredness of what my life looked like that Tuesday."

Every writing of yours speaks to me on an incredibly deep level. And even today, it was so touching, refreshing and helping for me to read this newsletter. I have been hiding my true self for my whole life - because of being conditioned to be something else that I am not, that I struggle to be and thus - scared I will never achieve the expected perfection. Recently, I started sharing my self with others and offer my services as a teacher - something I was honestly trying to do for a few years now. Because I was scared of being my true self, thinking I am not yet ready, not yet enough and that I will not survive the challenge.

This Sunday's insight really inspired me and, once again, reminded me that it is okay and it is only right to be myself - the human, that can make mistakes, can be and probably always will be imperfect, different, not comfortable for everyone. Realising this brings me joy, brings me comfort and makes me feel much much lighter. Thank you for keeping me inspired throughout my journey. Every work of yours is a breath of fresh air in the highly contaminated atmosphere...

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I'm so grateful to read this -- and to hear you've been working on sharing your true self after being afraid to for so long. I think it's such a common experience and you are so right when you say "being conditioned"... it always starts somewhere outside of us. I hope you can continue honoring your humanity in this way. Thank you for sharing this beautiful reflection. <3

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Sharing of true self is what frightens me the most, but is ironic because not being myself the last few years has not lead to where I am want to be mentally and emotional. And yet I still can't break free from the chains I placed on myself to give permission to just live life like I am and how I want to be.

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“It is only right to be myself.” Whew! Yes. Beautifully stated.

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Wonderful writing as always. Thank you so much for everything you share. I particularly like the 'can we' list. This is something that I am going to be spending some time on.

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Thank you so much for reading, Sue. And I'm so glad that list resonated with you -- those questions are ones I am sitting with in my own way, as well, and ones I think are worthy of returning to over and over again.

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I barely slept last night as I've been taking care of a sick 4-year-old and I was sitting at my computer feeling extra zombie like and reading this was just the medicine I needed. Thank you. I also just finished Stolen Focus. It's really, really good. Everyone should be reading it!

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Oof, I feel this (clearly) in my own ways and see you in the depth of what it means to be a caregiver for a little one. I hope you find some nourishment and rest wherever it may be. I'm so looking forward to reading Stolen Focus -- it feels so relevant these days. Thanks for being here <3

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Thank you, Lisa. Caregiving is such a complex thing! So many emotions.

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So, so complex. More emotions than I knew were possible to be held in a body at once!

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I’m about halfway through Stolen Focus. It’s fascinating! I also appreciate the compassion with which the author approaches the topic, framing it as a systemic problem, not a personal failing.

Sending virtual coffee and rest to you both this morning. I’m recovering from a week of travel-related sleep disruption with my little one. With you.

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I really value when systemic problems are named, instead of making people the problem -- because that is so often the case. Looking forward to reading it! And thank you so much -- I hope you find some rest and nourishment yourself. Take good care.

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Yes, we've been sold so many problems are US not the system. The end of stolen focus is really good so I'm excited for you to get there. Hope everyone keeps sharing the book. It feels like one that needs to go viral.

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As always, AS ALWAYS, I find myself relating. Shared this with my friends because you always have a way of putting some of my thoughts into words and it’s so beautiful to experience this. Giving myself permission to just be!

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I love the way you inspire us to be true to ourselves, especially in the hard moments. When I read it for the first time, I could feel relieved that I was not the only one to feel like this. Thank you so much, Lisa, it helps a lot.

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