Thank you for this. It feels insane to go on doing the mundane work that has to get done, but leaving the work undone doesn't feel right either.

I loved this line: "allowing ourselves to access the kind of care we’ve been seeking feels like love in action." I want to stop excusing myself from getting the care I know I need. I want to treat myself like I'm worthy of love that acts, because I am.

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"love that acts" oof, this. Yes.

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Thinking about #8 on your list and the way you demonstrate self-compassion is also a way of witnessing as a practice by acknowledging ones feelings and not analyzing or participating in a guilty narrative over the way one is feeling (Ah, but it could be worse! I should feel grateful!). I find when I practice that for myself it ripples out to how I care for others.

I have also done some psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy medicine journeys in my past, and I want to extend that compassion to whatever you're feeling and thinking as you approach the ritual. I think diving into the unknown is very brave, especially into our own dark corners and shadows. I am wishing you light and love along the way.

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Thank you for this reflection and these words -- they are felt. And yes, starting inward truly does ripple outward, I have to believe. 🧡

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This is so beautiful, Lisa.

I hate to admit this is the first email (of three so far) that I've opened. I got into a frenzy, excitedly subscribing to loads of newsletters, and yours got lost in flux. But I'm so grateful to have opened this one. It sparks inspiration, and a newly realized desire to get out of the city and into nature soon.

Other commenters have said thoughts that entered my mind while reading, so I'll add that, from number 9, this snippet really spoke to me: "It’s been a season of personal challenge and while it is, at times, fruitful and nurturing to write through those seasons publicly, this particular season has asked for a lot of privacy. It’s felt good to honor that in spite of whatever consequences arise from sharing a little less here."

I don't have much of a filter, and social propriety isn't second-nature to me. I'll twist myself in knots trying to decide what to write about each week—feeling like I need to produce a complete essay when a simple update or musing or even a link-roundup would suffice. I overshare, and sometimes that either comes back to bite me, or I slump into regret. (Not always, but sometimes.)

From this, I'd never guess you were keeping something private. Your writing offers emotion and heart without manipulation or inflicting pain. It's a gift! Thank you for sharing with us. 💝

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Thank you for reading, Sara -- there are so, so many publications to read nowadays that skipping emails makes perfect sense, and is often necessary. I'm grateful for the resonance and kindred reflection you shared. xx

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Indeed! And absolutely! I've prioritized your emails now, so I won't miss the next one. 😉

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Prayer and care for ALL the children❤️

I love this piece a lot, I think because I feel like you’re just having a quick sit-down to talk about how you’re doing. No preamble or forethought, just being.

Perhaps now is exactly the perfect time for your healing journey within? May it be wonderful, May your heart stretch and grow in the most beautiful way that is currently unimaginable to your thinking brain. And may you feel the urge to share this journey with your special community of paid subscribers who just might want to live vicariously through you🤣 No pressure!💕

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All, yes. I truly mean all -- my heart has the capacity to hold all. And thank you; I do think it is the right time, and perhaps I will share more with paid subscribers 💕 I often forget that's an option! Thank you for your presence here.

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Thank you for sharing yourself. All of this resonates so much for me right now. Your words describe a lot of what is in my heart these days, as well. 💗

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Thank you for reading and for the resonance 🧡

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Great sharing and thank you

I’m in Santa Rosa and also love the coast excursions. 🫶🏻🌊

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So so lucky to have to close by -- it's such a balm.

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Thank you for your words, they always come at the right time and your self-compassion exercises are always so helpful. I hope you have a good therapeutic journey. I'd be interested in hearing more!

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Thank you so much for this reflection -- and I will perhaps share more when it feels right 🤍

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Wishing you a wonderful (psychedelic) therapeutic journey. I did the same a few years ago and it was one of the most transformative and expansive experiences I’ve ever had. Much love ♥️

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Thank you for this -- I'm eager to see what unfolds. 🤍

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Thank you for saying what is also in my heart ❤️

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Thank you for reading 🧡

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Lisa. Thank you. ❤️‍🔥

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Thank you for reading 🧡

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Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your compassion at a time where it might feel scary to publicly declare said compassion. As a Jew who’s holding so much grief for so much, including the divide this conflict has wedged for me from my family, I so appreciate all your words and permission to be where I am!

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I love your writing Lisa, and am deeply touched by what you say about the children of Gaza. I too am sitting with that tension of how to continue with the mundanities of life while the world is burning. It doesn't feel right, and yet what other choice do we have?

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Thank you, Vicki -- the tension is so so tough and so real. And one that feels like care to tend to.

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Bravery comes in many forms, and I applaud, enjoy and join yours today.

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May your journey be beautiful and healing. I'll be doing the same tomorrow (although not for the first time). The medicines have changed everything about my life.

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I haven't been able to really find the words to grasp it all, and the way my body feels what is happening in the world, and yet you've written words that speak to what I've been grappling with. The other evening I was with my 2 year old nephew. He was speaking about who and what he loves and I just had tears falling down my face. For all of it. For the children. Every single one of them, like you said. Something I know I can do is show up with the absolute fiercest truth and love in every moment of my day, in every way. Even though it looks so far away from where it matters, I know that those ripples reach far and wide, for we are one heart. xo

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Thank you for always sharing what’s in your heart. I did my first therapeutic psychedelic journey in late July and it was one of the most important experiences of my life. Sending you all the breath and light for your experience. May it be exactly what you need❤️

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Thank you for that -- receiving and grateful. 🤍

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