Beautifully written as always Lisa. Life is a dance between the blackness of the sky and the brightness of the stars. Honouring both. Ebbing and flowing between both, every day. Being present for ALL of it IS the human experience. It’s having the capacity to hold all of it in our heart at a pace that feels good to our soul. 🙏🏽🥰😀

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Ahhh! Lisa, the beauty of your words and all the I Says. They are so rich that I could dwell on each sentence a long while. I will reread your words this week as I’m navigating a soured relationship. I spoke to our leader of pickleball about his sexualization of our women and I was kicked out of the group that has been life giving to me. He has affected a lot of us women with the hugs, the comments on my body, the wet tee shirt contest comments. It was too much for me and I spoke up. And now he’s trying to silence me. I won’t go away silent but I’m waiting for wisdom.

So your words about keeping my heart soft and yet as someone says a soft front and firm back is what I’m trying to do. Life is full of so many disappointments but I have this one this week so I will try my best to stay human and not other. Thoughts for me please.

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I say you are growing in ways never imagined.

I say I am lucky to be on a parallel path.

I say this post is one of the reasons I follow you.

Thank you,


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This spoke directly to my heart. Thank you so much for sharing this 🤍

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Thank you as always for sharing your words and your heart with us. Mine is wider now too ✨

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Reading this widened my heart, Lisa. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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This was a good reminder for my Sunday morning. I needed this. Thank you.

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Wow! This is the first opportunity to read your work, Lisa, and it so deeply expressed my own heart and beliefs. So many quotes I took away from it, like morsels to savor....thank you!

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Love the inner contradictions and binaries. So human.

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After a long day at work I sat down and read this beautiful essay I found here, on the "explore" page. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, beautiful.

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What a balm to my heart this lovely post. Not to be archived yet as I will be rereading it to let it all soak in. Thank you. 🌿🦋

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every sentence was exactly what i needed to hear. thank you for writing this <3

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This paragraph is quite like a piece of art. The imagery here speaks to the depths. So beautiful.

“I say the salt in my tears is like the salt in the ocean, that my body is not so far from the places I turn to for nourishment, that we are made of the very spaces and places we hold such deep reverence for, that perhaps we can hold ourselves the same way, as vast and mysterious and miraculous as the sea itself.”

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I am out of words. Thank you Lisa, your words make an impact in our way of living.

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"I say caring for our world is a deeply reciprocal act; look at how much it gives."

YES. Thank you for these grounding and loving words.

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This reminded me so much of “Some Type of Skin” by AURORA. Beautiful thoughts. Thank you ❤️

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