23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs agoLiked by Lisa Olivera

Instagram is a poison for me, don't have it.

Today a child smiled at me two times.

I'm drinking lots of water today.

I'm commenting to feel like I exist.

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You exist -- yes <3

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How timely! I have been reflecting on my relationship with social media in the recent days, and it feels important to take steps back. Trying to build a presence online has been draining because well...I spend more time online now too. I will take your message from the trees into my heart too <3

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With you in the exploration -- I keep reminding myself the time away doesn't need to be permanent, or everything, or even lead to what I hope it does; that the practice of doing it might be enough. I hope you find what you need in it all xx

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Yes! Thank you for this too. I am reminded now of something I read the other day: a hummingbird lives only 3-5 years, while a tortoise can live up to 150 years. Slow growth really is natural...nature does teach us well.

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Love this so much -- such wisdom <3

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The trees have been whispering for some time now, for me. The messages coming through are often difficult to allow, believing I already know what is best. But I don't. Learning to be teachable, to listen more. To drop out of the mind and more into the body because there is so much wisdom to be found there. Thank you for sharing your writing. It has inspired me on many occassions!

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So much wisdom to be found there, yes. Thank you for this reflection <3

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23 hrs agoLiked by Lisa Olivera

What a stunning, relevant, timely reflection. Thank you, Lisa.

I'm with Emilie... my spirit told me this week to pull *way* back on my news and social media consumption, especially in the lead-up to the election.

Wishing you blessing, presence, and good listening.

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Must be a collective message to remember to log-off. This made me happy to read, and happier to think how many more are doing the same.

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The message does seem to be weaving it's way through many 🙏🏻

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So grateful you found resonance -- and I'm with you in the message to pull back. Such a tender thing it all is. Wishing the same for you <3

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19 hrs agoLiked by Lisa Olivera

I too receive messages from trees! Thanks for sharing this experience. I probably follow you on IG but I look forward to these more expansive reflections. Your kind, gentle voice invites me to slow down and allow my own needs.

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So grateful for that -- thank you for being here 🤍

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What a moving and beautiful post. What a heartfelt reminder to tune in to what’s natural, to listen to our own wisdom. We are here and she is us. Thank you… 🫶 this is what I needed to read thinking of the new season.

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We are here and she is us 😭 yes. A forever practice to remember. Thank you 💛

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I love that the trees swear! They can be poetic but also firm ;)

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Both/and in all the ways! ✨

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22 hrs agoLiked by Lisa Olivera

A delightful, resonant read. I, too, have just decided to get the fuck off Instagram! I like to think of it a little like technology sobriety, and getting sober is painful work.... but what unknown beauties will find me in the silence? Your writing is a lovely place to start. Happy Autumnal Equinox!

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Happy equinox to you -- and that question... Yes. Thank you 💛

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Thank you so much! This letter trickles down as a resonant, soothing balm into an inner cave that aches a little. 🥹❤️🌸

P.S. Very excited to know about the psychedelics certificate course you shall be taking! I always feel drawn to that subject. Best, best wishes to you for it and everything your life encompasses 💝

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Inner cave that aches a little 😭 whew. Thank you for those words. Sending deep care 💛

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Feeling so honoured to receive this reply from you! 🥺🥺🌻

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I haven’t posted or logged into Instagram for close to four months now. My nervous system notices. Sometime I worry about being forgotten too… but if that’s the only way to be remembered I don’t think those are my people. It’s funny because I was actually going to message you about your choice to stay on Instagram (the last time I was on I noticed you were). And here we are 😄

I’ve trained in psychedelic work btw. Curious which program you’ve chosen. It’s interesting work and I’m a bit torn by capitalism getting its paws on it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Your reflection resonates so much; every time I've taken a break, I'm so grateful for the space and the way my nervous system settles. And, there are things I enjoy about it, too. It's complex, isn't it? I am curious how it will feel to stay away for a while.

I'm doing the CIIS Psychedelic Therapies and Research program. I've also trained with Polaris in Ketamine-Assisted Therapy, and I too feel ambivalent about the ways capitalism might shift how the work is offered/how it looks. Such tender work it is, in ways I don't know our society is quite ready to embrace with the care and reverence it deserves. And, with all that said, I feel there is such a depth of healing available for those it is the right fit for -- and while I'm not sure how I will integrate it into my work yet, I know there is a place for it deep in my spirit. So many unknowns still (which feels just right when it comes to the mystery of this work), but I'm eager to keep learning! <3

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This is so wise and true Lisa. I love sharing my writing but I get so pulled into likes and comments and validation- the struggle is real. Putting my hands in the dirt, physical activity and Mary Oliver are like beacons calling me back. This week I have been reflecting on her poem “Invitation” which carries a similar message, and makes me think that you are right- the invitation is always there, we just don’t always heed it.

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I need to read this again and again. Fuck off, Instagram certainly did resonate, ha ha. Thank you for all your genuine reminders to live life 🩶

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What a gift & reminder. I write these words from a pond in Vermont, where I, too, came to remember. Thank you for the echo, you handed me, that lands back in my soul. Peace and comfort.

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I needed this today. Thank you.

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Wow, thank you so much for these incredible words, they touched a place I couldn't quite reach through the constraints of my own mind. Much appreciated & received 🤍

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Just beautiful. Autumn does always seem to invite turning inwards and listening deeply. While spring, here in the southern hemisphere, whispers of possibility and the seeds of new emergings 🤎

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