Thank you so much for these beautiful words! I often feel like I am stuck in the lost place, like I will never be able to emerge from it - but reading this has given me hope that maybe some of the lost things can return, and acceptance for the fact that some lost things are never meant to return, but instead make space for something new.

Thank you so much and sending you lots of love🫶🏻✨

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I'm so glad this gave you a glimpse into possibility, even when it's hard to feel. I know that place and find myself there often -- and remembering being lost isn't a permanent place but an experience we can move in and out of has been such a gift. <3

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So much gratitude ♥️

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<3 <3

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I definitely in a place where I'm floundering and feel lost, so I completely resonate. There's a song called Minute by Minute that talks about not having the answers and letting "I don't know" be enough. While I'm sad about what has been lost, I'm excited for what's new.

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You are not alone -- and letting "I don't know" be enough is such a salve, isn't it?

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It is so achingly uncanny how you speak exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it. This exact experience has been creeping into my life this week and to have you express this in such beautiful prose is just such a gift. Thank you always for articulating the seemingly inarticulable with such clarity + warmth. You are helping me along my own journey of new motherhood + otherwise in such profound ways. Thank you. Thank you. ❤️

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I feel so grateful reading this reflection and knowing anything I share might bring you closer to yourself -- that anything I share might be a mirror to your own knowing. Thank you for being here <3

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But did she go to bed?! I have an 8mo and the possibility of such distinction between her life and mine seems too far away to imagine. And yet here you are just a few months ahead, finding lost things return. Thank you💚

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She did! She'll be a year old later this month and it was the first time I had been away from her for more than three hours. She apparently went to sleep right at her "bedtime" without a problem. I had a harder time than she did! It still feels surreal and heartbreaking in some ways, and I am still working on slowly letting go, yet it was a window into parts of my "old self" coming back. Such a wild time, early parenthood, and I have so much respect for all who are moving through the challenges of finding ourselves again. Thank you for sharing!

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Thank again Lisa- whether it’s divine timing or maybe the sign of deep interconnectedness, your Sunday letters always feel so relatable and on time .

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Thank you for reading and for being here, Katie <3

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I often feel lost. For a long time I could only perceive the cruelty of it, as if It was nothing but punishment by some unknowable force. But then I realized that I was responsible for the continuous “losing” of myself. “Getting lost” was my nature, an ingenious strategy to promote change through challenge.

You’ve put to words so beautifully what I’ve recently come to cherish about myself, one of the missing pieces of perceiving the totality of me. My greatest strength, maybe all of our greatest strength, is that no matter how fragmented we become, we put ourselves back together--we expand by examining the new form.

Thank you for this week’s letter. I’m happy you and your husband were able to enjoy a precious evening together.

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That second paragraph is so beautiful, so true, so deep. Thank you for sharing that reflection -- what a way to be with yourself. What a way to honor your humanity.

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I want this phrase to be true with ounce of my fiber of being right now, "what is lost can return again" but it is harder and harder to believe it might be. Perhaps it comes down to perspective of understanding how we receive the return of the lost item?

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I think that's why I share it isn't always possible -- and I wonder if it doesn't need to be in order for us to find ourselves again, to find what we need next, to find what we don't even know we're looking for. And I wonder if allowing ourselves to discover something else, something new, something different, might bring us what we think we'll get from getting the lost thing back. No answers... just curiosities.

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I'm so happy things have started to return for you =)

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Thank you! I’ve let go of a lot the past two years and in many ways I’m still in the in between. I catch flickers of hope and trust that it is getting close. This liminal space is so empty but at the same time so full. Your words add to my hope. ❤️

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I am still in the in-between, too -- probably forever! That "empty and full" dichotomy is so real. Thank you for sharing <3

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I love your newsletters – they begin to fill the wounds.

Thank you.


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I'm so grateful they reach you -- thank you for receiving and being here.

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Thank you, Lisa for your honesty. I have been feeling a sense of loss lately. A loss of joy outside of my partnership. Reading your words today has helped me to welcome in the return of my joy when it is ready. Much love to you and so grateful for your words! ❤️❤️

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I'm so glad this resonated with you -- and you are not alone in the welcoming of the return when it's ready. Right there with you, in my own ways, over and over. <3

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Sipping my lukewarm coffee and thinking of all the people I used to be, all the mornings I used to have. Wondering which pieces will return and being okay with not having them back.

This was so beautiful and timely.

Also your date photos are adorable. Yes for date night.

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The honesty of your words always seems to pierce through me. I've been wandering down a wild path for the last two years and trying to find a way that leads to somewhere concrete only to come back to what I've always known - creativity. Some things will always return. Others are just mere pitstops. Thank you for your words!

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