It feels like “not belonging” to write this and that’s exactly why I need to write it. I’ve almost never been shy to be seen. I’m comfortable in front of the camera. I love speaking in front of a room full of people. And I honor you Lisa for your truth and where you are. It must’ve taken great courage to share your pics. and I’m glad you did because they’re gorgeous! Also the idea of being “visible” is so layered and nuanced. Why can’t it be okay to be witnessed through our words, our art, our calligraphy instead of our face? For some that can be enough. And that’s fine too.

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Of course all of it is okay -- each of us has our own unique relationship with what it means to be seen, witnessed, known, visible. There are so many layers, as particular and singular as we are. I can only speak to my own. Thanks for reading 🙏🏻

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I agree with everything you say here.

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Aug 9Liked by Lisa Olivera

There is something about your writing that makes me pause - it inspires reflection and resonates on a deeper level. You truly have a beautiful gift to share! I relate so much to when you write about no longer recognizing yourself after becoming a mother. It was so disorienting at first, and yet also a relief to find my essence still intact beneath all the trappings. All the ways I used to define myself fell away and in some ways it gave me a new sense of freedom. Also the connection you and your therapist make between longings and fear is so interesting... I am going to have to chew on that one for a while. What an insight! I hope your daughters transition to preschool goes well! I always like to think of it as adding more people in your daughter's life to love her <3

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Thank you for this -- so grateful. 💛

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There is strength in softness <3 thank you for sharing this! Your vulnerability invites us all to be more honest, vulnerable and truthful with ourselves and with our audiences too.

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Strength in softness, yes. Thank you for reading 🧡

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Aug 9Liked by Lisa Olivera

Yes to every brave, courageous step! Well done! ♥️♥️♥️

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Thank you for reading 💛

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Aug 9Liked by Lisa Olivera

profoundly personal - a very intimate portrait in words and images!

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Thank you for reading!

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I relate to this really deeply. I have avoided having new professional photos taken of me in years because I'm afraid I will hate them. I can write deeply personal essays and hit publish with little fear, but the idea of sitting in front of a crowd and having them look at me is terrifying (even after having done it again and again and survived, I'm still scared!!). Will definitely be returning to this essay in the future as a comfort.

Also, these photos are truly so so so lovely. I hope to one day find a photographer who makes me feel as captured/seen as these seem to make you feel! They're really special.

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It's such a tender thing, being a "public person" yet still holding so much around what it means to truly be seen. I know how much courage it takes to keep going -- to keep moving with the fear. Thank you for sharing. And finding a photographer who can truly see you, just as you are, is such a gift. I hope you find that for yourself, whenever you're ready. xx

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Aug 10Liked by Lisa Olivera

Ahh, Lisa. I knew there was a reason I specially saved your newsletter to pair with my Saturday morning coffee! Your words always deeply resonate and crack my heart wide open. I, too, have been contemplating being seen and belonging for so long now. It's comforting to know I am not alone in this. Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts so deeply and beautifully. And well wishes to your little's transition! xo.

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So grateful it connected with you -- thank you so 🧡

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Wow. I relate to so much of this. Particularly- “Sharing my heart in a conversation with someone is a lot harder for me than sharing it in writing.”

I am so much better with the written word than the spoken word. My heart just seems to have a direct transmission to my hands and not my mouth. I process all my feelings through writing words. The speaking them - it’s where I struggle. There is a level of fear there, I suppose. Perhaps longing too. Longing to speak my heart and be more vulnerable with my spoken voice.

Thanks for this deep dive, Lisa. I see you 🫶

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The longing, yes. Thank you for this reflection 🧡🧡

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Aug 10Liked by Lisa Olivera

The beauty in these pictures 🥹🥹🥹

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Thank you Lisa for sharing these lovely photographs of yourself. Feeling so moved by your writing it expands my heart to see you. As someone who struggles to share photos of themselves (mostly due to self-criticism) it is so amazing you share so many photos! Thank you.

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Thank you for reading 💛

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I relate to this so deeply Lisa, both the fear and the longing to be seen, and the ways in which writing can feel a safer way to inch towards this. Thanks for your courageous and vulnerable voice here 🤎

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Always grateful to remember I'm not the only one 💛 thank you for reading 🙏🏻

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So nice to finally meet you, in virtual person through these lovely photos, sweet vulnerable and chancing being seen has proven to be wonderful for you. Thank you for your sincere writing it always makes me feel deeply.

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Thank you so 💛

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I wish I had the words to tell you how much this reflection means to me. What an honor it is to see you.

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💛💛💛 endless gratitude.

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Aug 9Liked by Lisa Olivera

This is Beautiful in so many dimensions, including visual.

The dreams, goals, gifts surrounding the concept of Connection are so powerful in my life, and reading your words encourages me to hope and believe they may be so for everyone :-)

Thank you, Lisa!

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Thank you so, John 💛

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"I am still integrating the gift of turning my fears upside down in order to find the root longing underneath." Ohhh woof I needed to hear this one.

I've been thinking a similar thing about anger recently, sparked by Jenny Wang's "Permission To Come Home," which notes how anger is kind of like an "X marks the spot" of what is unequivocally important to your values. And maybe fear is the same thing too—an X that marks the spot for what is important to your soul.

Grateful for this piece, just as I am with your other pieces.

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This piece inspired a sense of belonging and the importance of feeling seen, and truly known, in such a busy world. The portraits you had taken are stunning and are a beautiful step in cultivating this feeling of being seen up-close by all those who love your work! You are right, discomfort allows for growth and it is beyond admirable that you let your readers into your life, and allowed us to truly see you, in this piece. I wish your little one, and your family, the best of luck as she continues on the path of starting preschool. I cannot wait to read more of your work!

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