"Most of the things I want to do require moving past a layer of dread first." I've never found the words to articulate this particular struggle that I've faced as well, but you nailed it. Thank you for these beautiful, tender words.

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So glad those words connected with you 💛

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Your pieces always feel like a warm hug. For #3, I'm reminded of my current small motto to myself—do it scared. If I always wait for the fear to dissipate, I won't do anything at all. It's validating hearing someone else feel the same

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Do it scared, yes 💛 and I'm also noticing all the places I assume fear still lives in me, where it actually doesn't anymore... so fascinating to pay attention to.

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I have just read you for the first time. Thank you for coming into my life. I love your voice. Feels like soul food and I am hungry.

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I’m glad you stumbled into her work too. She’s brilliant! One of the few souls I find who really shares the nuances of life…

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Just lovely. Your vulnerability, truth, and tenderness always resonates deeply, and I think when we let these feelings out into the world, we continue to work at, and chip away at, the buildup and shell of uncertainly, doubt, shame that has developed over our more difficult phases (traumas) of life. It's like the sculptor chipping away at the stone to reveal and create the beauty that lies within. 🙏🏼💗💗💗 And like you say, it may be our life's work, our masterpiece.

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Our life's work, our masterpiece 💛 thank you so.

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Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece of writing. I just came home from a solo retreat where it rained for nearly the entire time. So many of your words resonated deeply with me, especially doing things that we fear. The retreat had lovely aspects and also put me way outside of my comfort zone.

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That sounds so lovely -- so glad you had that experience 🙏🏻

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I love this beautifully written post! So many gorgeous gems, even in the title. thank you for sharing your words and your thoughts and your art.

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Thank you for reading 🧡

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"Maybe it’s witnessing the ways forgiveness stretches my ability to see people beyond my ego’s desire to stay attached to how they’ve hurt me," touches so deep. And #4. You never ever miss, and you always take the pulse so precisely. Sending you love and peace always always.

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Sending it back to you; thank you 🙏🏻

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Your photography is stunning!! I especially loved your paragraph about what brings you hope! These things bring me hope also.

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That means so much, thank you 🧡

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#2…. Yes and yes and yes. Sometimes I hear myself voicing old angers and grievances I don’t even feel in my body anymore. And I think “am I going to let the memory of anger keep me from connection?” And where’s the fine line between letting the memory of anger be a shield against future hurt and letting it become a wall that keeps out present connections? And then I remember: there will always be future hurt. I can’t future proof myself… and— when I really think about it —would I want to if I could?

All this felt reflected back to me. Thank you. 🙏💜

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Would I want to if I could? This 🧡🙏🏻

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This felt like a warm hug, to be understood from a stranger but the feelings and thoughts aren’t much apart ✨🫶🏼

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Another timely, and needed message for me right now. I could have restacked your entire article. Thank you!

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So grateful for that, thank you for reading!

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I think this is my favourite of all your posts. Thank you for these much-needed and appreciated words of wisdom and hope.

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Thank you for reading - so grateful. 💛

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beautiful as always 💜 a warm blanket for my soul

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Grateful 💛

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wowee, what a beautiful piece of writing. just finished reading this in an empty library at 11pm. so special, struck many chords with me. thank you for sharing :))

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11pm at a library sounds so lovely -- thank you 🙏🏻

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Beautiful. Thank you so much. 💕

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Thank you for reading 🧡

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How we can keep up hope. Love your thoughts and shares like this. “Staying close to hope feels like an act of care when not hoping at times feels easier. Staying close to hope feels like an ode to the world my child, our children, all of us, deserve. And when I need to bow out of hope for a while, I remember someone else carries it somewhere; I remember hope needn’t be felt or held by any of us alone for it to sustain.”

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