I just listened to a podcast that was all about our cycles, the seasons and living according to the phases of our feminine energy. SO many things clicked.

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Yes yes yes, I really wish everyone got access to this information from a young age. It shapes so much, and having the awareness shifts so much.

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What was the name? I would love to listen!

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"I’m not entirely out of the fall, either — there is still so much heaviness and confusion, so much unknown and space to re-occupy within myself and things to start doing and undoing again."

It all resonates, but *especially* "space to re-occupy within myself" - YES. Just, yes and yes.

My time is looking similar, with the flux too. And it feels like deeeeep solace to be able to return to some of those places within myself that feel like home.

Happy movement and cooking and windowsills to you :)

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Deep deep solace. The returning is powerful and soft at the same time. May it continue being so for you 🤍

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Thank you, Lisa, for your writing. I am also in the midst of a fall, well, I’d call it more of a tumble with everything quite out of focus and out of my reach. Your reminder that this is a part of our journey helps. My growth and my own wisdom has been found in the tumbling. Trusting the ebb and flow, the push and pull, the stumble and the rising, well, your words reminded to trust the process. Thank you for your words and your wisdom. Thank you for so insightfully sharing with others. I don’t feel as alone.

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Thank you for sharing these words and reflections. You are not alone in the tumble -- and it only makes you more human to let yourself acknowledge and hold space for it. May you find even more possibility as you continue through the tumble.

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Thank you for your timely offering this week Lisa. I am in the midst/have been in the midst of my own fall and it has felt especially unbearable this weekend … your post has helped me recognize the voice of doom chanting “your life is destined to be bad” … and that gift has eeked out some space I can use to turn towards it without becoming (completely) swallowed by it


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So glad this found you in a resonant time, Allison. I hear you on the unbearableness of it at times... I know that feeling well. Finding those openings and that space to approach ourselves even a tiny bit differently in moments of doom is such a gift. May that opening and space become bigger and bigger within you. <3

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I needed to read this today. Thank you for somehow putting in words exactly how I’ve been feeling. What an immensely powerful reminder that we are all doing our best and it’s okay and important to show up for ourselves in all stages of life, falls included. Thank you 💕

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So glad it reached you <3

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I was teary eyed, thank you for your stunning words Lisa 💕💕💕💕💕💕

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<3 <3 <3

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This really resonated with me as I've been in my own down cycle as well. It reminded me of an Eckhart Tolle quote: "There are cycles of success, when things come to you and thrive, and cycles of failure, when they wither or disintegrate and you have to let them go in order to make room for new things to arise, or for transformation to happen. It is not true that the up cycle is good and the down cycle is bad, except in the mind's judgment."

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I love this.

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Thank you for offering this. It seems that many of us are going through a fall this season. With all that is happening in the world, it isn’t a surprise. I needed this loving reminder, and I’m glad you gave it to yourself as well.

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So many of us. Perhaps collectively, too -- it is definitely brewing everywhere. Thank you for being here.

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"The healing and growth you’ve done up until this point isn’t wasted, lost, or for no reason. It is woven within you, held in your bones, and piecing together to become part of the version of you that will soon emerge." <---- I exhaled with these sentences. I have long recognized the ebb and the flow yet have been aware of how I cling to a false hope of arriving at some "fixed" (static and healed) version of myself that transcends struggle. Now I'm releasing that fantasy. I'm ever so slowly learning that the ebbing requires extra tending to oneself with love, compassion, gentleness and care. Maybe surrendering to the current is what actually helps us heal. Thank you, as always, for your beautiful, thoughtful words.

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Thank you for sharing this -- I relate so much. <3

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Thank you.

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Thank you for reading.

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This is such a beautiful and powerful post! I’m a new subscriber and can’t wait to read more from you.

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Thanks so much for being here.

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Thanks for this much needed reminder that we all rise and fall repeatedly and my fall won’t last forever. Sometimes I find that hard to believe, especially when my country seems to be falling too.

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Lisa, I am so with you in your attunement to cycles. I’ve been in free fall for several months and in many ways I’ve felt at home there, like a hermit crab in her shell. Since the beginning of summer, I feel more energy, sometimes even a burning energy, to create, move, and connect. But I have a troubled history with this energy. I’ve felt the ebb and flow and I’m more seasoned now. I know it won’t last forever. And I know it can lead to a hyper focus on achieving, completing, ruminating, comparing, and worrying. There are gifts and traps to be found in the waves. Thank you for naming and exploring this shift.

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Thank you for sharing this reflection -- I relate so so much.

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Beautiful ♥️✨thank you!

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Thank you for being here. 🙏🏻

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Wow. The way this post hits so close is amazing. I always feel like I’ve lost myself and don’t even know who I am but thanks to this, I will always have a reminder that even in the fall, I am still me ❤️

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How do you work through the fear of knowing another fall is coming? I guess that is more of a rhetorical question as you laid it out here. I don't know how to move into a place of acceptance with it though. I have been in a fall for 5 years (there's been small lifts, but mostly just a really big fall lol) BUT I am FINALLY rising. I'm not completely out of it, because I'm still having flashbacks.. but like you said, I can take deeper breaths, I'm more present, I have more energy. And I am so so grateful. But I am so afraid for the inevitable fall, I think I've tricked myself into thinking another fall won't happen (lol) but I can't accept another fall, I don't want to. I know I'm supposed to show the depressed part of myself love and kindness but i hate it so much. I'm just practicing being in this moment, just being in the rise while it lasts.

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