Holy smokes! Love getting the wisdom exactly when I need the guidance. It’s as if you were living my life the last couple days so this resonates with me in an exquisite way. Thank you so much Lisa.
Sometimes, perhaps more often than we think, the challenge just is. As you say, it is there to be tended and the tending is the healing. Rather than striving for arrival at the other side of the lesson can we just nourish and allow?
Thank you so much for your gorgeous words! I really resonated with what you said about finding gold in the version of us that exists right now. I often find myself wanting to rush to another reality where I have more wisdom, where I have more things figured out, where I am more healed. Yet letting it all be enough as it is truly feels like a breath of fresh air. Sending you so much love🫶🏻✨
Thank you, Lisa. Thank you so much for sharing your process and practice; it has given me permission to have more grace and compassion in my process and practice.
"And I have a felt sense of this being the whole entire point — reaching this place of willingness to be with all of it, rather than being in a place of desperation to make my way out of all of it." I get caught in trying to "get out" repeatedly, it feels like a lesson I will never learn. A reflection I had with myself this week, was that I keep getting trapped in this illusion that one day I will wake up and just be "better", I won't have anymore flashbacks, I won't have any more suicidal thoughts, I won't be stuck in a freeze response or be oscillating between flight and shutdown. That if I just try hard enough, "hustle" enough, therapy enough, exercise, eat healthy, do all the things and do them RIGHT, I WILL get better. But that's not necessarily true; because there is not ultimate "healed" version of me. I am healing, but I am not on the "other side" and maybe there is no "other side", just a constant climb.
"I am healing." Perhaps the most integral piece to hold -- it is an ongoing process. And, with all this said, I DO believe deep healing is so very possible. 🤍
Oooof, that quote by Nikki Giovanni - truth! It is definitely something I've grappled with - pleasing others through my words, appealing to others through my writing. But the real truth is I write to connect to my own humanity, to make sense of my lived experiences. And that is also the type of writing I'm most drawn to in others - honesty, messy middle bits, admitting our failures and wrongdoings, saying that I have no freaking clue but I'm still here showing up despite it all, because of it all. We're all in this human experience. No one gets out alive. We may as well embrace all of it in each of us.
This is so profoundly and gracefully expressed! I’m soaking in this wonderful reality! “There’s true Beauty,liberty & freedom in embracing the unresolved past, the messy present whilst you’re progressively being equipped to build a healthier, more mature & better future version of yourself.” 🫶
>May you experience the relief of no longer seeing yourself as a project.
Ah, this one... I'm just realizing I don't want to see myself as a lifelong "project," which can easily happen if I don't step back with some level of meta-awareness about the parts of me I'm constantly trying to "improve."
Thank you for this. This writing is helping tend to the imposter syndrome that visits me often. I feel like stopping my substack publication because my niche is not popular. But this really helped me to remember that I write because I feel drawn to it and it's okay to say that God is encouraging me to do so.
That I don't have to stop because "no one" reads me. I read me, I have a few that read me. And God knows my efforts as well, He reads and knows me, and it is all enough.
A few of the reasons you’re one of the people I admire most is your honesty, openness and acceptance of your own humanity. And
watching you helps me be more of myself and just be human out loud. So thank you for existing and just being who you are, and for sharing parts of yourself and your writing with us.
Holy smokes! Love getting the wisdom exactly when I need the guidance. It’s as if you were living my life the last couple days so this resonates with me in an exquisite way. Thank you so much Lisa.
Sometimes, perhaps more often than we think, the challenge just is. As you say, it is there to be tended and the tending is the healing. Rather than striving for arrival at the other side of the lesson can we just nourish and allow?
The healing may be in the tending. Brilliant.
I'm so glad this found you at the right time -- such a gift when that happens. Thank you for sharing this reflection 🤍
Keep on tending ❤️
Thank you so much for your gorgeous words! I really resonated with what you said about finding gold in the version of us that exists right now. I often find myself wanting to rush to another reality where I have more wisdom, where I have more things figured out, where I am more healed. Yet letting it all be enough as it is truly feels like a breath of fresh air. Sending you so much love🫶🏻✨
Yes yes yes to all of this. It really does feel that way. 🤍✨
Thank you, Lisa. Thank you so much for sharing your process and practice; it has given me permission to have more grace and compassion in my process and practice.
"And I have a felt sense of this being the whole entire point — reaching this place of willingness to be with all of it, rather than being in a place of desperation to make my way out of all of it." I get caught in trying to "get out" repeatedly, it feels like a lesson I will never learn. A reflection I had with myself this week, was that I keep getting trapped in this illusion that one day I will wake up and just be "better", I won't have anymore flashbacks, I won't have any more suicidal thoughts, I won't be stuck in a freeze response or be oscillating between flight and shutdown. That if I just try hard enough, "hustle" enough, therapy enough, exercise, eat healthy, do all the things and do them RIGHT, I WILL get better. But that's not necessarily true; because there is not ultimate "healed" version of me. I am healing, but I am not on the "other side" and maybe there is no "other side", just a constant climb.
"I am healing." Perhaps the most integral piece to hold -- it is an ongoing process. And, with all this said, I DO believe deep healing is so very possible. 🤍
Oooof, that quote by Nikki Giovanni - truth! It is definitely something I've grappled with - pleasing others through my words, appealing to others through my writing. But the real truth is I write to connect to my own humanity, to make sense of my lived experiences. And that is also the type of writing I'm most drawn to in others - honesty, messy middle bits, admitting our failures and wrongdoings, saying that I have no freaking clue but I'm still here showing up despite it all, because of it all. We're all in this human experience. No one gets out alive. We may as well embrace all of it in each of us.
Resonate so so much. 🤍
This is so profoundly and gracefully expressed! I’m soaking in this wonderful reality! “There’s true Beauty,liberty & freedom in embracing the unresolved past, the messy present whilst you’re progressively being equipped to build a healthier, more mature & better future version of yourself.” 🫶
Goodness, that quote. Yes. Thank you for sharing 🤍
This was lovely to read and so thought provoking so thank you 😊
Thanks for reading 🤍
Really enjoyed this.
Thank you for reading! 🤍
Absolutely gorgeous! I needed to hear this! Thank you, Lisa! 🌷🌷
Thank you -- so glad 🤍🤍
This was beautiful to read. As I learn to love the depths of myself, this was extremely inspiring. Thank you 💫
The practice of a lifetime 🧡
I'm printing this entire post and keeping it in my journal😭
Please do! 🤍🤍
>May you experience the relief of no longer seeing yourself as a project.
Ah, this one... I'm just realizing I don't want to see myself as a lifelong "project," which can easily happen if I don't step back with some level of meta-awareness about the parts of me I'm constantly trying to "improve."
Yes yes yes 🤍
YES, this is the line that made me stop breathing for a moment! I realized how driven I am by the parts that always want to fix me.
Yes! So beautifully and gracefully expressed. Thank you.
Thank you for this reflection 🤍
Thank you. ❤️
Thank you for this. This writing is helping tend to the imposter syndrome that visits me often. I feel like stopping my substack publication because my niche is not popular. But this really helped me to remember that I write because I feel drawn to it and it's okay to say that God is encouraging me to do so.
That I don't have to stop because "no one" reads me. I read me, I have a few that read me. And God knows my efforts as well, He reads and knows me, and it is all enough.
Labor itself is the gift
A few of the reasons you’re one of the people I admire most is your honesty, openness and acceptance of your own humanity. And
watching you helps me be more of myself and just be human out loud. So thank you for existing and just being who you are, and for sharing parts of yourself and your writing with us.
A beautiful, beautiful letter. Thank you.