Thank you as always for your beautiful words. I feel them. My heart feels them. 🤍

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Thank you for reading 💛

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This is absolutely stunning. I have been through a huge evolution since becoming a mother in 2021 and learning to fully feel has been a huge part of it. It didn’t come easy. It involved a stay in hospital as I met the full force of it all. But learning to grieve and rage and feel it all has been profound. I’ve never read something that gets so close to my own experience as this piece. It os a true gift. One I will return to often. Thank you so much for sharing so much of your heart. It means the world. X

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So grateful for the resonance -- thank you for sharing and for reading <3

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Beautiful Lisa 😊 and a wholehearted yes to this: 'The weight of grief feels so different than the weight of depression'

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oof, yes. Thank you xx

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Your words are healing. ✨

I missed my best friend's baby shower last weekend - a similar experience to what you shared today. Still processing through the shame and grief of that reality. Thank you for sharing this today, it means a lot. xx

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Thank you for reading -- it's such a tender thing to stay with the grief while also finding compassion for our humanity. You're not alone <3

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I love your writing Lisa. So much. Thank you as always for sharing yourself so generously. My light is feeling dimmed by fear, sadness and grief. Not knowing how to change direction right now. Staying in the now and being compassionate to myself. 💗

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So grateful it reached you, and thank you for reading. Sometimes, the here-and-now practice of compassion is enough <3

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This was the first thing I read when I woke up and it fully engulfed me. Thank you for sharing your vulnerabilities. 🙏🏽 It helps to know there are others feeling what you're feeling.

Your sparks of interests are gems!

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Thank you for reading! xx

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Oh Lisa, you have such an amazing way of describing all the things. You help me get more in touch with what I’m feeling and experiencing and I’m sure so many other people too. That is such a gift. And your links! You have made such a difference in my life with those too. There is so much wisdom in your posts and I am so happy to see them in my inbox when they arrive. I am sending you this wish: When you get quiet and can just sense, you will feel all the love there is for you in this world, and let it sink in. Thank you.

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So grateful for your reflection here -- it means a lot and is deeply felt. Thank you.

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Grief and rage have also been experiences I've been learning and practicing encountering with compassion in my body. I really appreciate your sharing. In reading your writing, I am reminded of the way we, who are in seasons of deep inner change, are not alone even if the experiences can feel so lonely. Sending love and gratitude your way. <3

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Not alone -- absolutely. Thank you for reading. <3

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Beautiful post. I especially loved all the photos.

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Thank you so <3

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I too mark October 7th, 2023, Lisa, for different and perhaps similar reasons. The darkness of that day descended into my inner world and I still tremble from the impact it wrought. I'm grateful for how tenderly you share your experience here with us.

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So wild how my personal experience that day, outside of what was unfolding in the world, has a shared imprint in some form. Thank you for reading <3

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😭😭 really beautifully written. Feeling all of this right now.

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Thank you for reading x

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Cheers to 'may our fluidity make room for more aliveness.' I appreciate how your words tether us to the full spectrum of being alive.

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The full spectrum <3 thank you.

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Love everything about this! Beauty and grief together, making each one more real…

I love this!

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Thank you for reading <3

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I am lost for words.. thank you for soaking my heart with such grace❤️

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Thank you for receiving <3

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What a journey. Thanks for sharing with the world. This resonates in my heart, and speaks to me in a way that makes me feel less alone. What a generous gift. 💛

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So grateful it reached you <3

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Hi Lisa, thank you for these words. I became a first time mama a few months ago and honestly… it’s hard. Sometimes I feel like I’m deep in.. something… but as your words inspire- nothing is forever. Which has me in tears (the good kind!)

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The depth of new motherhood (I am nearly three years in and still feel it's new) is truly wordless and hard to describe. You're not alone and nothing is forever... the tenderness in that is so so big. Thank you <3

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