Thank you so much for these beautiful words! I especially loved what you said about getting to do things differently than how we’ve done them before. It felt really good to be reminded of how okay it is to pivot, to choose a different path, try something new, become someone else. That is something I so often find myself circling back to, the permission to shift whenever doing so feels more aligned than staying the same. Sending you so much love🫶🏻✨

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That permission always feels SO good to me -- such a relief to remember. Thanks for sharing <3

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"no one is holding those expectations over my head more than I am" for some reason this had me in tears , really felt it. Thank you for your newsletters, really appreciate it.All love from South Africa ❤️

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So grateful they reach you <3

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Wow this really helps me pause and notice how I've been showing up in my work and writing. I could feel your words in my body and felt comforted knowing there are those of us who long for the same things.

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Oh I am so glad there is comfort in remembering the un-aloneness of it all... I feel the same way. <3

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Writing as yourself is useful and valuable in a tangible way, in that...it will resonate and encourage others who also want to show up in the world as their ‘boring, bland’ selves too ☺️

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Thank you for that, Michelle! It's very true -- and easy to forget sometimes. I appreciate your presence here.

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Literally thinking and pondering all this right before I read your post. Thanks for being you

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Grateful for the resonance. <3

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Lisa, thank you for practicing being unapologetically you and always sharing what that process feels like; and how hard it is sometimes; but how aligned it feels when you are able to.

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Thank you for being here <3

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“when we change, some people will leave; some people won’t like it; some people will wish we did what we used to do because that’s what was most helpful to them.”

WOW that really resonated with me! 🙌

One of the things that doesn’t get talked (or written) about enough is the loss of relationships/ friendships in our spiritual growth journey. I had a friend recently tell me “I miss the old you” - comments like that can sting, especially when the old you wasn’t a healthy version of you (but perhaps more fun, as drama can be!). My spiritual growth has meant shedding so much, simplifying my life, and sometimes that can be seen as “more boring” but i know it’s really more serene. 🙏

So thank you so much for shedding light on this 💛

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I relate to this so much. Change is very difficult in most relationships and friendships. It can feel much more comfortable to have someone "all figured out" as if it is a destination in which no further work or exploration is required. It can feel easier to put people in a box and expect them to stay there. In reality, we are all changing and growing all the time. Being in relationship with another person means choosing to show up each day and see them as they are on that new day- not how they used to be years, or even days, ago. It's hard work.

When someone says "you've changed," I like to say "we are supposed to." 🌻

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Yes exactly! Meant to change! 🙏💫

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Yes, I notice how simplifying and accepting seem to go hand in hand. I wonder about others being bored or put off, and that gets to be part of the path. I hope and think it will be overall positive. Thanks for your post.

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"I look at my capacity to imagine, to dream, to notice the tiniest of things, the simplest of thoughts, and find them extraordinary." LOVE! I resonated so much with what you shared this week. I am forever grateful for your journey as a writer because it means I get to read your writing. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to your newsletter every week. Thank you so much for all you have chosen to share.

I feel like I have never understood "boring". Not that I have never been bored, of course. But I am so fascinated by so many ordinary things. I love seeing how others live their daily lives. I love someone else's take on simplicity. I love seeing beauty in what others might not even notice (hello, my enneagram 4 is showing!). I have been trying to be more mindful lately of not apologizing for my life. If you are bored by my life, that's just fine. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with it (or me).

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Thank you. Your words, yet again, are such a soothing salve for my soul. As I'm spreading my wings, or in this case, coming out of my shell and leaning into more vulnerability, but on my terms, I'm being reminded through your words why I'm actually doing it. I'm writing for me, even though it gets shared. The desire to share comes from the desire to connect my humanness to the humanness of the reader. Our interconnectedness of what it feels like to be this being in this physical form. Goodness, it feels so hard at times. And isn't that why we write...so we could connect in that hardness and feel less alone.

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I have been following your work since the beginning of 2019 and to see how part of your journey is developing is a great gift for me. Honestly, whatever you decide to write, I will read because your writing is so beautiful. I connect most with your words, which may not be useful in your eyes. Everyday reflections have immeasurable value. They are inspiring, soft, creative and real, even if it's about coffee or something else more "mundane" :) So thank you for sharing. Greetings from a young therapist from Slovenia who tries to have both worlds - being a therapist and a self-expressive creator. Ethical principles are extremely important to me, but it is hard to find your own way when those same principles require you to leave an important part of yourself behind. Seeing how you are building a bridge to the authentic creative part of yourself gives me a lot of hope.

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Thank you for your writing this, you have been an encouragement for me as a writer. I don’t have a big platform, yet I believe that the people who read my newsletter are worth my vulnerability, my life experience, and the predictability of showing up in their inboxes week after week. Once again, thank you for your labor of love. I needed this today! ❤️🙏🏻

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Your words resonate and help create inner space and anchoring. Thank you.

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I feel so seen and thank you. Thank you for "what needs to be said is enough", and self-care writers are writers!!

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Lisa, Your words reflect how I feel more than I can express here. You got this - we got this. D

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Beautiful! Thank you

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The way I felt this one though, oof. 🙏

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