I ached with knowing as I read this. I cried when I saw into your heart and in doing so, saw into mine. Thank you. I needed these words to help me see me. And you. And all of it. So beautiful and written in a voice as clear as the hum of the bees and the wind in the trees.

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Hum of the bees and wind of the trees - that’s beautiful Shanyn thank you for sharing your words. Sending love to your heart. Whatever you’re going through know that the divine will carry you through 🙏🏽

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Lisa, this spontaneous essay was stunning. Thank you for your generous humanness. You touched me deeply today with your words and the beautiful and hopeful words of others. Love is all there is, and we just have to keep trying to get better at it. There is no better use of a life. For every stumble in love there’s a kiss on the forehead and a hand held out to lift me up. Have a loving day, Lisa. May there be joy.

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Add to that beautiful list of quotes, each one like torchlight:

Lisa Olivera said “I remain committed to planting hope and joy and love in the places pain grows.”

This was so uplifting and centering. Thank you Lisa ❤️

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Don't postpone joy--that pin! I need the tattoo....

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A mentor ONCE said something interesting to me about tattoos. I asked him if he would ever get any tattoos and he said you know tattoos are a funny thing. When we get them we get something that we want to remember regularly. Then, over time, we begin to embody the thing we’ve tattooed and become the thing itself and so the tattoo then becomes irrelevant… I found that perspective fascinating. Hope you’re doing well wherever you are in the world Diana! Coming to you from London, UK

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Loved this anecdote...And well wishes to you...Off for a walk in pursuit of said joy...

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I hope you have an amazing time on your walk. Try to find the magic in the mundane ✨💫

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Just yes 🤍

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bawling at the airport. thank you lisa

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I love this :-)

Nutshelling it for me is “Thich Nhat Hanh says The more you understand, the more you love.”

I cycle out of joy many times a day. Seems there is so much (huge and tiny) to anxt about.

But, after my morning run, I sit with a meditation your letter spoke to, today. I think you hit on what I’m working on in the morning: reminding myself there is joy in understanding.

I start with the aura of listening deeply without allowing internal actions in response. After several minutes of letting all the worries and crap surface into a listening space… I notice something sweet: understanding and acceptance.

It’s like discovering what I really need is just to listen. Listen for the wordless understanding. Essentially (from your letter, Lisa), waiting for the joy, the experience of love… in spite of, and as an odd result of, the struggles.

I’m grateful, as always, for your insights encouraging and clarifying my own. Your gifts are deep and of great value to me.

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Love this one so much. So glad you wrote anyway.

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Loved reading this so deeply. Thank you Lisa.

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Thank you for taking the time to share even though life feels busy and full Lisa. Simply sharing where you’re at is powerful. I often find I need to come back to basic spiritual lessons over and over again and each time I revisit it’s a different “me” that’s reading it and so it lands in a new way. It’s easy to veer off course when life pushes us this way and that way, but coming back to the basics is important. Sometimes we can overcomplicate life too much. I recently wrote this poem that I feel you’d enjoy: https://open.substack.com/pub/soulwisdom/p/kiss-of-death?r=a9uns&utm_medium=ios

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I loved this one Lisa, so beautiful - and came at a perfect time 💛✨ Thank you.

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Beautiful ❤️

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Thank you Lisa, always such a wholesome experience to read your beautiful words stringing our shared humanity into a symphony that only you can create 🌸

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Thank you so much, Lisa ♥️

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Don’t Hesitate by Mary Oliver

If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy,

don't hesitate. Give in to it.

There are plenty of lives and whole towns destroyed or about to be.

We are not wise, and not very often kind.

And much can never be redeemed.

Still, life has some possibility left.

Perhaps this is its way of fighting back, that sometimes something happens better than all the riches or power in the world.

It could be anything, but very likely you notice it in the instant when love begins.

Anyway, that's often the case. Anyway, whatever it is, don't be afraid of its plenty.

Joy is not made to be a crumb.

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Thank you for being here, for writing this. The quote I like the most,"Carl Rogers says People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be." ❤️ And yes, it's probably right - don't postpone joy.

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