Oct 20Liked by Lisa Olivera

Oh, Lisa!!!

Each paragraph resonated with me deeply and my current journey. Thank you for finding the gorgeous and precise words to share from your depths. Your words are helping my little soul feel and grapple this morning, and it's the loveliest thing, especially in a world that often feels so disconnected and shallow. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

This question - "What would change if I knew in my marrow that everything I had ever done was simply an attempt to receive love or safety?" Oh my heart. This is the foundation and end game, isn't it?

And croissant hands?! That is hysterical and so sweet. Bless your little! :)

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Truly the foundation 🧡 thank you so much for reading and for this loving reflection.

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Recovering from a double mastectomy, all so fresh & difficult to navigate. Your post touched my heart, I am not feeling so alone.

The croissant gloves😍.Blessings to you.

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Sending much care as you recover -- thank you 🧡

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Your words mean the world to me, Lisa. My heart felt so truly seen, and I’m grateful for you and your willingness to speak such fundamental truths with care, kindness, compassion, courage. I have been struggling quite a bit with a few experiences/stories I’ve been carrying with me in the last couple of years, feeling ashamed and looking for all the bits that make me unlovable. This missive felt like a warm embrace, like a slow and deep belly sigh, like receiving a hug from my beloveds. Croissant hands is very likely one of the sweetest and most playful things I’ve seen as of late.

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Shame is so pervasive and sneaky. And the presence of it is not our fault; I remind myself of this often when I feel it returning (because it does and will). Thank you for this loving reflection and for reading -- your presence here is felt and so appreciated. <3

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You words inspire me always and carry me through the week. Thank you for being so real and vulnerable sharing about your financial situation. That really resonated with me. As an entrepreneurial mother I have battled with how I define success and what a beautiful meaningful “successful” life means to me. The world tells me, hustle and grind and 7 figures is what matters, but my heart says slow and steady, time, connection and presence is the ultimate richness. Truly having time with your daughter without having to juggle too much in motherhood, the time to heal, the time to rest, to find love in presence, to be with yourself. That is priceless. That is the greatest gift on this journey. I’m forever grateful for the time I get to have with my children and to have with myself, even if I feel it currently comes at a financial sacrifice. This won’t always be the case. Thank you for this reminder. I can feel myself getting pulled back into the idea that I should do more and be more and earn more and I’m so grateful to have read your words today. It was the reminder I needed to stay true to myself. 🤍

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"slow and steady, time, connection and presence is the ultimate richness" yes, I have been feeling this so big. It's such a tricky thing to juggle motherhood with the financial needs required to live well and be able to support my daughter/our family -- especially as someone who just can't work as much or as hard as others seem to be able to. Still figuring it out. Your reflection is a mirror to my experience and I love the reminder that this won't always be the case -- it's so true. There are seasons for everything, aren't there? Thank you for these words <3

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So beautiful! We don’t know each other but are apart of the same web. We are not alone as there are always others that are going through, not the same thing, in the same way, but a similar journey. Hugs to you Lisa. Thank you for sharing.

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Part of the same web, yes. I feel it. Thank you <3

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We’re all here with you, for the despair and the croissant gloves and tormenting ourselves about our (self believed) unlovability. Sending hugs.

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Sending hugs back, and thank you <3

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I want croissant gloves.

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Me too!!!

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Lisa, your words about there being 'no landing place, no after, no final space of settling' really struck me. It's a beautiful and somewhat daunting concept. I'm curious, how has this realization impacted your approach to goal-setting and planning for the future?

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I hear the daunted-ness of it. I feel that too. Yet I'm realizing even if I assume the future will look a certain way, it could all turn out entirely different than I imagine. I plan and set goals based on my hopes and desires and dreams, while trying to hold it all with an open palm. There is so much uncertainty, so much unknown always -- and I'm finding this can be supportive in moving toward what we want more than it's a hindrance to doing so. So much more to say on this but these are my initial thoughts xx

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Oct 20Liked by Lisa Olivera

This: I found myself searching and searching for the one thing that would prove my unlovability, the one thing that would prove some part of me right… and I didn’t find it.

I’ve had this experience too. I kept asking what about this and this over here - doesn’t this prove that I am not worthy? And I heard over and over, like a drum beat how I, just like everyone else, is a child of God, of all that is. And all there is for all of us is a deep and abiding love.

Thank you for the reminder.

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Deep and abiding love 🧡🧡

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Oct 20Liked by Lisa Olivera

Your words are always a balm to my soul <3

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Grateful for that 💛

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I want to tell you, as ever, my appreciation for your words. And the Pema quote. And the reminder, quietly, that we are all, after all, whole and broken and whole.

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Thank you for this, and for reading <3

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How lovely this is, Lisa, every single thing you wanted to tell us is received with love and gratitude. Thank you.

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Feeling it -- thank you so 💛

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Oct 20Liked by Lisa Olivera

This beautiful offering has lifted my soul, my longing to be clear, clean, confident, worthy to just be me -- free of fear and shame. Your honesty in describing your seeming faltering footsteps and concerns along the path of motherhood has given me, and I'm sure others, just the right wind under our wings to rise higher and higher, reaching for every new view, fetterless and free, with compassion and buttery croissants gloves on each hand as fuel for wings -- "Fed by Thy love, divine we live, for Love alone is Life....". Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us in this open honest straightforward way this week. It hit all the high notes of my heart, and swept away the low notes that are no longer in accord with my Lovesong of belonging. Mwah 😘

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This reflection is so beautiful it moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing your heart in this way -- it is so deeply felt. <3

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Oct 20Liked by Lisa Olivera

What a lovely read. Such much love and tender in your words, so much truth and wisdom. It made my shoulders drop to take a deep breath and saying to myself, I love, I trust, I see.

Thank you Lisa for that loving piece.

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Thank you for reading -- so grateful for the connection <3

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22 hrs agoLiked by Lisa Olivera

Amen. I think I'll read this soft Hallelujah every day. Thank you from my deep heart.

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This sweet reflection warmed my heart, thank you.

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"Right when I find some clarity or comfort in my skin, something changes: a new phase, a new development, new parts of me required to come forward." This. And the sharing about failing to monetize. (Eep, just writing that makes me realize again how this world is so hard on us.) And the searching, the seeking. Thank you.

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Thank you for reading 💛

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